
Friday, February 20, 2015

Your Remarkable Response

We are completely overwhelmed by the response we have received since sharing our news yesterday. The FB messages, emails, phone calls, text messages. The encouragement. The offers to help and specific requests to tell you immediately where to give! Y'all. Few words could express our deep gratitude.

It is hard for us to accept financial help. We feel like this is a decision we made and should find the way to make it happen. However, I've also come to terms with the fact that this attitude is very prideful. This is God's journey, not ours. Yes, God has called us to pursue this sweet baby. But He is not only calling us. He calls our community to be a part of this miracle as well! And if your God-given gift is finances, why should we hinder you from using that gift? We have the faith and courage to GO (all glory to God who has given us these spiritual gifts) but others are blessed financially and are just as instrumental in saving the life of this little soul.

We are currently trying to discern how to finance this adoption. If Yaru is going to live, our adoption must happen within a matter of weeks, or a few months at the most. While we are trying to find wisdom in approaching the financial aspect, we are racing through the process and completely engulfed in the requirements. We have little time to ponder about finances, although we realize how very important this will be. You may see us doing one or two small fundraisers but we haven't the time to coordinate anything like Emily's adoption event at Terra Bella. Our efforts to fundraise will not be at the forefront of this adoption. We do not feel that debt is wise or obedient but given the circumstances this go 'round, it may be necessary in order to save her life. We are open to this being a viable option because of the critical circumstances.

That being said, we are grateful if you decide to donate towards our adoption expenses. We will keep our PayPal link ("Donate" button) on my blog home page. We do have many fees that will be due soon, since this is happening so quickly. Our second chunk ($2500) will be due next week. I will update the thermometer on the home page, as I did for our first adoption. This will reflect all funds earmarked for the adoption, including our contributions as well as all donations. We have already paid $1200 for our home study fee as well as some other miscellaneous expenses that came due this week. These costs are already reflected on the thermometer.

Also, I mentioned in my last post that Yaru needs a certain type of formula to help sustain her until a transplant. There was an incredible response from people who wanted to specifically donate formula and medicine. We have prayed about the best way to handle this. Rather than having you go through the trouble of shipping to China, we will accept donations of formula at our home. We will ship them in "shifts" according to when she begins running low. We will use general donations to help pay for the shipping costs involved. She will need this formula when she (God-willing) comes home as well so I don't believe we can have too much for her. In the event that Yaru doesn't make it, we commit to shipping all donated formula to another baby in China with biliary atresia. If you would like to donate formula, please message me through text or FB and I will give you our address. The type of formula she needs is Enfamil's Pregestimil. If you would like to donate money for the formula (and let us purchase it) or earmark a donation directly for needed vitamins, please put that in the note of your donation (through PayPal or otherwise). We will purchase the vitamins and formula as the notes present. If there's no note, we will assume the donation is for our adoption process fees, travel expenses, etc.

We are also aware that many of you have the gift of prayer. We know you will fight for Yaru through your petitions to God. Please know that we covet your prayers as much as any spiritual gift. We saw the outpour of so many gifts through our first adoption and we are excited to see how God moves through each of us again over the coming months. We are the body of Christ, each operating a different limb or organ for His unfolding will. Praise for this blessed village, this community of believers who are so eager to be a part of Yaru's story. We promise to be humble and accept whatever help for Yaru that you feel God may be calling you to.

Blessings to each of you!

1 comment:

  1. My husband Gerry and I were recently in Beijing and spent time at Little Flower. I saw beautiful little Ya Ru in the arms of a warm and attentive nanny. She is cared for lovingly and her life is greatly valued there as it is by God. We will pray for you and her ! with much love, Marge
