
Sunday, March 15, 2015

Surgery Tomorrow

Yaru is being admitted to Beijing United Family Hospital right now. We don't know the exact time for the surgery but we know it'll be Tuesday morning. They are 13 hours ahead of us so we are thinking surgery may begin around 8:00pm our time Monday night. I don't foresee much sleep for this mama tomorrow night. I'm hoping that any news will trickle to us as it becomes available.

If you are confused about the purpose of the surgery, expected chance of success, and what it means for the outcome of Ru's life... well, you're not alone. There are so many unknowns, even for the doctors. We do know the first part of the surgery will be exploratory. This will include a laparoscopic cholangioscopy (which is basically a scope to examine the bile duct) and a liver biopsy. These diagnostic procedures are generally non-invasive. However, babies with biliary atresia are prone to rapid blood loss and there is a concern among the doctors about the possibility that she may lose a significant amount of blood during the first phase. If this occurs, they won't be able to proceed with a potential curative solution, such as Kasai or other bypass.

So we pray she doesn't bleed out. We pray that the scope and biopsy reveal everything clearly. We pray that the diagnosis reveals that she's not as sick as everyone thinks she is. We pray that Dr. Cheng and his team are able to repair the defects that are making her so ill. Will you please partner with us in praying for these specifics? Please pray that God is at the center of her surgery, that the doctors' hands are HIS hands, their minds HIS, their discernment and compassion HIS. Please pray that Ru survives the surgery. This is a very risky surgery for a baby who is so sick and fragile. We are at peace believing that the risk of the surgery outweighs the risk of trying nothing.

I'd be lying if I said any of this was easy. Our hearts are heavy. This is hard. But God. God so lovingly brings victory from hard. Jesus was nailed to a cross and suffered the wrath of God for the most beautiful victory ever witnessed. That was hard. And glorious!

God does all things for our good and His glory (Romans 8:28) so why would he bring us here to not fulfill His perfect will? We are not afraid because we know that the God who created Ru is the Great Physician, healer and recreator. He called us in to Ru's life. He will provide in all things. He always has. It's a promise that we cling to. Hard, yes. And beautiful. Each of us, whether we're praying, giving, or going, are a part of God's beautiful unfolding plan.

If you would like to help fund her surgery, there's still a huge need! China Little Flower has received $2,400 so far for Ru's surgery. This is a great start but we have a long way to go to fund the whole operation. Please click on her picture on the right side of this page to donate directly to Little Flower. Even a donation of $10 helps. Imagine if 1,000 people who read this donated $10!

Lots of friends praying for you, baby girl. Be well and rest. Rest in the hands of He who loves you more than you could ever imagine...


  1. Sending prayers and parental strength from Australia x

  2. Praying for your sweet girl. Our youngest miracle from China underwent cardiac transplant two and a half months after homecoming. It was the hardest yet most glorious path we've ever been on. Being a world away from your child during surgery must be very difficult. We're all pulling for you all!
