
Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Faithful. Still and Always.

We are humbled beyond words over the support and prayers, hugs and gifts that have been offered for us during this time of healing. That is truly what it has been. Healing. Little Ru went to be with Jesus only 4 days ago and in this short time God has continued to amaze us. We are feeling a great peace and although there are times of sadness, our hope abounds all the more.

There are important details that we need to work through as we move forward. One of the unavoidable matters is funding that has been donated to our cause of fighting for Ru. We'd like to make a few public comments and if you have further questions or a personal concern, please feel free to contact us directly.

Through our t-shirt fundraiser and other donations, we have raised about $5,000 for our adoption expenses. If you have contributed to our adoption expenses, we would be more than happy to return your donation. We don't want this to be uncomfortable for you and we are certainly understanding of the importance that your sacrifice goes to a worthy cause. That being said, if the funds go unclaimed, we commit to using them for a purpose that fulfills our mission to defend the fatherless. We will be praying through how best to use the funds but we are not in a hurry at this point. The money will sit in our savings account until we are ready to address that.

We aren't able to return shirts but we are hopeful that y'all will continue wearing these in Ru's honor. We still plan to wear ours on Easter Sunday as we forget the frock! We do have about 15 people who have paid for shirts for our second order. We'd like to go ahead and place that order now. If you'd like your money back instead, please message us. Again, this is no problem at all! If we don't hear from you, we'll assume you still want to order one and will let you know when your shirt arrives.

If you donated formula for Ru, I think you'll be excited to hear how God has worked through that. We have a new friend whose baby girl just came home from China weeks ago. She also has biliary atresia and is currently on the liver transplant wait list in Chicago. They happen to be in great need of Pregestimil at this time and it brings us much joy to be able to provide for them! This important formula costs about $40 per can and each can only lasts about 4 days. Ack! We have 16 cans that will be shipped to this precious baby girl tomorrow. Praise The Lord!

We haven't had the chance to respond to every text, email, FB message, comment, phone call, and delivery. Please know that not one of them have gone unnoticed. We feel so very lifted up and are grateful that God is providing the strength we need, through each of you. Our deepest desire is that this journey will continue to glorify Jesus. All praises go to Him alone, for He alone is the one who provided Ru with life and graciously provided this community for her. You have prayed, donated, cried, listened, sent, and prayed some more. For that, Ru is forever blessed. This is your journey as much as it is ours and I pray that you will stand with us in giving thanks and praise to God, who remains faithful. Still. Always.

Thank you for you understanding as we work through these details and many others that will face us over the days to come. We ask for your prayers that God will lead us clearly through our next season. We know the fight for orphans doesn't stop here. We just don't know where he'll lead us next. We are certainly excited to continue our healing process and watch how God uses this!

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