
Friday, March 20, 2015

Green Poop and Other Fun Stuff

We continue to pray diligently for sweet Ru and we appreciate all of you who are doing the same. She is recovering well and is scheduled to be released from the hospital on Monday. We do have a bit of news that we believe is exciting. I am reluctant to share because this has been such a roller coaster ride of ups and downs. I hate to say something is "good" news when it all falls apart the next day. At the same time, I know you are eager for any information, even if it's up one day and down the next. So here goes...

Her poop is green! Ha! What does that mean? In Dr. Cheng's words, it means the bile is beginning to drain as it should and the Kasai is working! We even received a picture of the wonderful outcome! ;) Remember, there was a very small chance it could work and we believe God is moving mountains once again! What this means for her longer term future, we know not. But right now, each day is a victory and we are considering today just that. Keep fighting Ru Ru! You are one strong little warrior!

We are pleased to have raised a total of $3,616 towards Ru's surgery. Although this doesn't come close to paying for the entire amount of approximately $50,000 (Ack!), it is much appreciated by China Little Flower, who provides many life-saving surgeries for orphaned children in China. Feel free to continue contributing to their cause. Without these donations, the surgeries are simply not possible. Thank you for your help, friends!

We placed our first order of t-shirts and they should be arriving next week. I'll let you know as soon as we have them. If you were included in this order, consider "forgetting the frock" this year at Easter ( I'm hoping we aren't the only ones at our church who will be in t-shirts and jeans on Easter Sunday. (My grandmother will likely roll over in her grave. Ha!) Nothing I love more than a comfy t-shirt... and all for a good purpose! We WILL be placing another order if you haven't had a chance to order one yet. All the proceeds will go straight to our adoption expenses. You can find out more about how to order HERE. We will place this 2nd order in a week or two, depending on the response. If you haven't ordered a shirt yet, please do! Maybe stock up on early Christmas presents!

Switching gears here... There are now 4 babies at Little Flower who have biliary atresia. This is just heartbreaking. Little Flower has never had a BA baby in their care who lived to meet their forever family. We know Ru will set the precedent! ;) These sweet babies desperately need Pregestimil formula. We've had a few donors step forward to have some sent to Ru and we are so very grateful that she is finally getting what she needs. Each can costs about $40 and lasts about 4 days (for one child). Yes, that's a tremendous cost. 4 BA babies who need Pregestimil equals about $40 a day to feed them what they desperately need. Yikes! I have a sweet friend who has been raising money on her page in order to send these babies formula. She's doing a great job (has raised $380 so far... about 9 cans of formula) and I want to throw the need out here as well. If you are interested in giving specifically for the babies' Pregestimil, feel free to donate through our "donate" link on this page and put "formula" in the notes. If you do not specify (formula, surgery, t-shirts, adoption expenses), we assume you are contributing to our general adoption expenses. If you would like to donate Pregestimil specifically for Ru upon her return home, we would be grateful for this too. We'd like to have a stash waiting for her. In the event she doesn't come home, we commit to sending it to Little Flower for their ministry to BA babies.

Lastly, we are humbled and grateful for a kind friend who has offered to host a fundraiser for us. I can't give you details quite yet but be on the lookout soon for a fun way to help us out! Ladies, this one's for you (or men who want to do something very sweet for their ladies). Hint... Don't do anything with your nails until you hear more! ;)

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