
Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Pluggin' Along

I know so many of you are waiting to hear anything new about baby girl. While I don't have any earth-shattering updates, we have received a tidbit here and there.

It seems they took Ru to Beijing yesterday for some medical tests. This is great news! As you know, we are waiting to hear if she may be a candidate for the Kasai surgery. Kasai could potentially add months to her life, in order that she may make it home for a transplant. We have no idea what tests are being done and we are praying that we'll somehow be privy to the results. Nonetheless, she is being examined which means someone is listening to the pleas of her advocates.

We also have reason to believe that since she was taken to Beijing for medical evaluation, she has been placed in a foster-orphanage called Little Flower. This home takes special care of their babies, as most of them are hospice recipients. We haven't received confirmation from anyone that she's actually there. They do have a FB page and you better believe I'm stalking it incessantly.

We received a generous response regarding formula. A hand-full of people stepped up and we are so very grateful! The first can of formula has made it to Hannah, who was supposed to give Ru her first Pregestimil bottle today. Because Ru had been taken to Beijing, Hannah wasn't able to do this.
:( However, we are hopeful that Hannah will somehow connect with Ru soon and find a way to get it to her! There are a couple other shipments in process so we can be sure she doesn't go without. I'm so anxious to hear when she finally gets the formula in her system but I know God is in control of all the details and will work it out perfectly.

We have received a few very generous donations and we have sold 42 shirts so far. God is providing, slowly but surely. If you haven't ordered a shirt yet, we'd be so very grateful for you to do that. You can learn more about how to order HERE. Thank you for your support!

We will continue to keep you in the loop as we know more. Thank you, again, for all the support and prayers. We are grateful to be connected to so many lovely people. Blessings to each of you...

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